I realized lately that it's seriously time to fight back the seams and find the old person that I once was. Slowly I came to realize how much of myself I found and how much I've gained. Surely people beat things like this, other's sadly don't. But really, do they ever thing of what they've achieved from their peril? Of course there's more to learn and go through, but for the time-being do they actually reflect on what they have accomplished and maybe go through it a second time to really make sure they have that lesson etched in their soul?
I'm still in that process, but finally I feel comfortable with myself again. I have my moments where I really find myself and I relish the moment. It truly makes me happy to be home again. To be the person that pretty much everyone came to know and love. And finally, I can put to rest the negatives and watch the sunrise of a new day with brand new eyes.
I love life.
You should too.