Although I never knew her for a long time, we became really close friends during the first quarter of the 7th grade. We were buddies from the first day of PE, the energy she had, and the love and care she seemed to give out. On the first day, I saw her and immediately said, 'HI!!!!!! Whats up? OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE WE ARE IN JR. HIGH! PE IS GOING TO ROCK!' and from then on we talked and talked and talked and talked. Her locker was by mine, and usually we joked around with each other, and one day she went up to me with a fake nose-ring. I flipped out and kept asking her if it was real, and she just laughed and took it out. Relieved, I started laughing alongside her.
We even talked about her boots, and how it was soooo cold in the morning, and now it's really warm, and how she really wanted it to be cold enough to wear boots. She took off her boots (which we gushed about until lunchtime) and walked around with her running shoes. 'Ugh! I wore these for no reason!' she said, and she just laughed.
In PE class, we would always mess around while we did stretches, just laughing at the funny faces we made and how painful (yes painful) stretches we endured that day.
She always reminded me to sign her shirt, I remember after I hugged her one day, that she wanted me to sign her shirt.... I never did....
One day, she was crying. Alone in one corner, I reached out and comforted her. Hoping she would stop. Through the tears she told me why she cried, and shocked at the reason, I stayed with her. Afterwards she was fine, but I knew deep inside she held all that pain. She held a lot of pain, but she kept it in and held strong. I knew that for a reason, because people weren't the nicest to her. She had so much to offer. Through all those negative things, she managed to be happy and caring. She had so much love to share to the world, and her hugs were always genuine.
On that same day, I looked out the window of my car right after school, and I wanted to open the window to say goodbye, but I held back, thinking I will see her the next day, and that my mom will get mad because it was so cold.
Wrong. Around 5:00PM that day, my mom and I were at her friends house and when we were heading to Safeway, we saw an accident by the old hospital. I looked at the scene for a while, and I never knew what really happened. I just saw lots of police cars and ambulances, and people surrounding the area. So I knew it was tragic....
Little did I know, that was really her accident. The next day, it snowed. I had this feeling of wearing my black trench coat and black jeans. And once I got to school, there was rumor going around. I never listened, until the saddened principal announced the news.....
'Last night we lost one of our fellow students, Britney Cardella.
She died last night from a fatal car crash.......'
And that's all I could stand to hear.... I just lost all thought. My advisory teacher was in tears already. I sat there, unmoved, just thinking.... 'No....this can't be'.
The rest of the day, I just can't find the energy to smile. Computers class was silent. Art class was even awkward....
I was scared. I was shocked. She was biking home from soccer practice, and a truck hit her, and she suffered a bad concussion from hitting the curb. When she was airlifted to the hospital, her heart stopped. And she was gone..........
The funeral was sad itself. I cried and cried, I tried to cry quietly, but sobs broke out every once in a while. I really wanted to talk too, give a small speech, but I never got to.... All my friends were saddened.
But you know what? We shouldn't be sad. We should be happy that she's in a much better place now. She's in a place where she won't be in pain anymore. She's looking down at us, and I know that when the sun shines, that she's there too with God, smiling down at us. Even though she's not here wish us physically, she'll always be in our hearts, memories, and her spirit is with God.
We love and miss you Britney!!!!!!
You've inspired me so much, and I'll always keep your memory alive

An angel to us all
Hi, that is so sad. I'm so sorry you lost your friend. You tell the story in such a moving way. It makes me think that I am not going to squelch my instincts when I want to say something. You just never know.
That's so sweet of you Bee, yea I miss her too
You are a really amazing person Bee. You always reach out to people and are nice to them and try to help them. I wish I was more like you. I never knew her but she sounds great! I lost my friend too... in a plane crash. Her dad and 2 sisters dies too. She was my 1st grade teachers step daughter and one of the best friends i ever had. I know how you feel about not saying good-bye. At the dancing with the stars thing i was dancing and afterwards i talked to her dad and he asaid that she was there and i should go talk to her 'cause I haven't seen her in about 2 years. But i got all caught up with Dustin and Nathan and totally ignored talking to her. Then about a month or 2 later Hannah comes up and tells me she died. I couldn't believe it, i was denying it for months. But at her Funeral her Step mom told me something i would never forget, "Rachel always loved you Jerica." I burst into tears as she said that. I still end up crying thinking about her. But if you ever need anyone to talk to about it im always around. :)
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