I realized lately that it's seriously time to fight back the seams and find the old person that I once was. Slowly I came to realize how much of myself I found and how much I've gained. Surely people beat things like this, other's sadly don't. But really, do they ever thing of what they've achieved from their peril? Of course there's more to learn and go through, but for the time-being do they actually reflect on what they have accomplished and maybe go through it a second time to really make sure they have that lesson etched in their soul?
I'm still in that process, but finally I feel comfortable with myself again. I have my moments where I really find myself and I relish the moment. It truly makes me happy to be home again. To be the person that pretty much everyone came to know and love. And finally, I can put to rest the negatives and watch the sunrise of a new day with brand new eyes.
I love life.
You should too.
Hello Breanna,
I came to your website through GoodReads where I noticed you’d become a fan. As you’d read ‘Midnight Blue’, I was going to suggest that you might enjoy ‘Flying for Frankie’ which gives a brief cameo appearance to some of the characters in ‘Midnight Blue’.
However, the latest post on your blog really touched a chord, and I’m writing now because I want to give you some encouragement. Like you, my life was changed by a traumatic event which happened when I was a teenager. My perspective in life was turned upside down, and this came across in the diary which I’d been keeping for years. It wasn’t just my attitudes that were different. Even my handwriting was. The day after the thing happened, I started writing completely differently, and I’ve written that way ever since. I can’t remember making that decision, but the results are plain to see on the page.
I don’t know what trouble you’ve been through, but I’m full of admiration for the way you’re blogging about pulling through. I’m glad you love life. I love it too. Now, many years later, though I never thought it would, my life has made good. I have a successful career as the author of novels for young people but, more importantly, I also have a good and loving husband, five grown up, wonderful children and a much-loved home here in England in an old house which is rich with history.
Life hasn’t always been easy. I know about its ups and downs, but I’ve learnt that there’s a love that comes from God, I guess, as well as from others and from deep within ourselves that enables us to rise above our circumstances and make something good of life. That’s what I think the real meaning of the word ‘nobility’ comes from. It’s not to do with being rich or grand or powerful or important, but being spirited, and full of love, and having eyes wide open and seeing sunrises for what they are.
I’ve already tried sending you a message once, but the notice on my screen tells me that I’ve failed, so I’m trying again and hoping this time to get through. Do visit me on my website and click one of the ‘comment’ boxes to say hello.
I wish you well.
Pauline Fisk
Pauline, I just received your comment and I'm more than happy to hear from you and your experiences. I'm even grateful that you took the time to really read and relate to me, and it's a great feeling to know that someone is willing to share a little bit of encouragement through their personal life.
Just like you, my life has turned on forward. I'm in those stages where it's somewhat like the dusk of a day and an early transition to the next. It's quite a metaphor, but it's how I feel.
Again, thank you for your time, and also just sharing a little story. I appreciate your encouragement immensely!!!!!
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